


The library offers a current collection of over 4200 items. We also expand our collection by offering Inter library loans with SEKnFind, access through the Kansas State Library and Hoopla to our patrons.


Internet Access

The library offers free access to the internet. The internet can be enjoyed 24/7 outside of the library in the newly add outdoor spaces in front of the library. The gazebo and sitting area offer a comfortable space to enjoy internet when the library is closed.


Public Computer Access

We offer three public Computers that are available on a first come, first served basis in 30 min. time frames and can be reserved up to 3 times per week. Sign-up sheets will be retained only one week.  When not reserved, they are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Users must agree as a condition of use that after 30 minutes if anyone is waiting, they will make the computer available within 5 minutes of being informed by library staff that another person is waiting. If no one is waiting the patron may use the Internet for as long as they wish.


AWE Children’s Computer

The library offers a AWE All in one Platform Touch Screen Computer for young patrons to enjoy. This fun learning computer is not connected to the internet allowing for a safe and fun learning experience.


Homebound Services

The Homebound Library Delivery Service at the Moline Public Library serves to individual who are residents within Moline Public Library district boundaries and are unable to physically come into the library. “Homebound” is defined as being generally confined to one’s residence either temporarily due to illness or accident, or permanently due to disability, age, or other mobility issues.  In most circumstances, if a patron drives, he/she would not be considered homebound.  This service is open to all ages.

Homebound services are provided at no cost to the patron.  Patrons must be a resident in the city of Moline and have a current library card.  If the patron does not have a library card, an application for a card can be filled out during the first homebound visit please call the library at 620-515-2767 or email the library at


Reference Service

The Moline Public Library will offer assistance to those needing help in using the library, finding the materials they need, and locating information. Telephone reference service is available.  All materials available to in house patrons will be available to telephone patrons to the extent that the information requested lends itself to being conveyed in that manner.


Fax Service

Patrons are encouraged to use commercial providers of fax services. However, those wanting to send a fax while they are using the library will be accommodated.  The charge will be $2.00 for the first page sent and $1.00 for each succeeding page.  Faxes may be sent internationally if they may be direct-dialed.  In such cases, library staff will first check online to see the applicable per-minute long-distance charge for that country.  If the per-minute charge exceeds $3.00, the cost per page will be increased.   The increase will be $1.00 for each full or partial additional dollar per-minute charge.  Persons wishing to receive faxes must put in their request with the library director before it is sent and will be charged 50 cents per page.  If the person receiving the fax does not pick it up on the same business day, one contact by telephone will be made if the telephone number is available. There will be a service charge of $1.00 for this. Faxes not picked up within three business days will be discarded.


Copying and Printing Services

Each copy or printed page costs $.10 per page.


Miscellaneous Equipment Services

  1. A Projector can be checked out for use with a $50.00 holding fee, which will be returned when projector is returned.
  2. Appropriate use of the Smart TV while in the library is allowed with permission from the library director.
  3. Board Games, Puzzles, toys, drawing tables, STEM supplies, and art supplies are all available for use while at the library.


Patron Programming Services

The library offers Storytime, Summer Reading Programming for children and for adults, and adult programming throughout the year. Please follow us on Facebook and watch the calendar for upcoming times and dates.


Moline Public Library

107 N. Main St.
Moline, KS 67353

► Library Hours

Tue: 9am - 12pm
Wed: 9am - 12pm & 1pm - 5pm
Sat: 9am - 12pm

► Phone

(620) 647-3310

Our Location

Moline, KS Weather

Moline, KS
humidity: 90%
wind: 3mph SE
H 48 • L 35
Weather from OpenWeatherMap